Thoroughbred Horse Pedigree Database


Adding a Horse
Before you add a horse to this database, please make sure that the horse doesn't already exist in the database. Also, remember that this database is open to Thoroughbred Horses only. Please help us out and do not add horses from other breeds to this database.

Add/Edit Information
* Horse (TB's Only):TENACIOUS28
* Sex:
* Year of birth (4 digits):
Group/Grade I Winner:Yes | No
Extra Optional Information (Information Last Updated: 01/21/23 )
Country of Birth
(2 or 3 letter code)
Statistics Foals Runners Winners: Stakes Winners:
Picture URL
(Log in to be able to upload your own photo)
Breeder/OwnerBreeder: Owner:
Information Height: Stud Fee: State Bred (2 letters)
Career Record Starts: - 1st: | 2nd: | 3rd:
Career Earnings (ie. $100,000 or Unraced)
Blacktype Horse Yes | No
Minor Races Won Please use our Stakes Database to enter in major races won.
Conformation Notes
Other Factual Information:
(500 Chars)